Trying to get sponsored? 5 Tips from SpeedCubeShop CEO

Trying to get sponsored? 5 Tips from SpeedCubeShop CEO

Ari Ari
3 minute read

Curious about how to get sponsored, and how to stand out from the crowd? Here is Cameron's, CEO of SpeedCubeShop, top 5 tips on getting sponsored.

Patience and Listening to Feedback

Sometimes, prospective or potential sponsorsees may not get accepted even though they fit the requirements laid out by us or any sponsor, as the sponsor may not being accepting new sponsorships at the current time. Don't fret - we will try to respond to any inquiry emails and provide feedback, and you can either look to improve on what we suggest or wait until we are accepting new sponsorships.


This is a tricky one, as there's no "secret recipe" for originality. Originality is specific to you, so if you are a new online video creator for instance, try to find your own style and theme - we can certainly tell you that putting some electronic music over a standard cube review is no longer very original or exciting.

Some, if not all, of our top creators prior to becoming sponsorees were already creating engaging, informative and/or entertaining content, so find what works for you and work on improving that.

Writing a Good Application

People misinterpret this as giving us paragraphs and paragraphs of text, saying how great SpeedCubeShop is (which isn't a lie). However, this is likely not going to land you a sponsorship - you want to tell us about yourself, and what you bring to the table, what makes you special, what you will do for the brand, and what should make us sponsor you over the hundreds of applications we get on a weekly basis.

If you have social medias, be sure to link them, if you have great WCA rankings, link us to your WCA profile. Be sure to give us all the information we need so we can consider and make the best decision based on your application.

Providing Value

So many people seem to think that sponsorships are an agreement where you just "get free stuff", and that's it. A sponsorship needs to go both ways and be mutually beneficial. This means that we will give you merchandise, publicity and promotions on our platforms, and inclusion in our events, but there must be something in return. Typically, this is promotion on social media, creation of content, wearing our merchandise at competitions and generally spreading the word about our products and services; be sure that when applying that you can and will bring good value to the table and not just be looking for free products.

Believe in the Brand

We would highly advise against applying for sponsorship for SpeedCubeShop or any other company for that matter if you do not actually believe in the products that we or a potential sponsor offers, or even just believe in what the brand stands for. When looking at a brand, consider whether you like what we offer, do you like how we go about business and morals, and consider if we are a good fit for yourself.

Sometimes, it can come across as disingenuous when a sponsoree does not truly believe in a product. Excluding Kanye West, imagine if a sponsored athlete is in agreement to represent Adidas, and in their spare time wears Nike footwear - this lead to the termination of sponsorship for basketball player Terry Rozier in 2018.

For a bonus tip, check out the video and watch to the end on the SpeedCubeShop channel.

Be sure to read the sponsorship FAQ: 

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